Information about voting!

It is time for the election of the next HHGS Student Union Board. We really encourage you to vote because a strong student union board helps you make the most out of your study time! Voting is simple, see below for everything you need to know. The candidates for the election will be announced on the 15th of November on our website and on our instagram @hhgs_election, stay tuned!

You can vote in two ways:

Online voting:

When? Online voting opens on the 17th of November and closes on the 24th of November at 9 PM.

Where? At

How? You can log in to vote with your Election Code which is available on your digital student union card (black Mecenat card). If you have trouble signing in or if you are a member but do not have an election code, please email the Election Committee at 

Below each Student union board position the candidate(s) will be presented and you can choose who to vote for or to cast a blank vote before pressing the vote-button and proceed to the next position. If there is only one candidate you also have the option of a rejection vote, which means you don’t want the candidate to be elected. 

Refresh the page before contacting us for help if you have problems with the voting.

At the election booth:

When? If you cannot reach the website and vote online it’s possible to come to the election booth on the 24th of November from 10 AM until 6 PM. 

Where? At the Student Union office at the School of Business Economics and Law. The office is located in L2.